


The goal of this program is to assist in eliminating or reducing employee injuries at 火博体育大学 associated with repetitive motion and manual material handling work tasks and to provide safe working conditions for our employees.


  1. Outline a system that involves supervisors/chairs and employees in the implementation 工作场所的人体工程学过程.
  2. Ensure through the provision of training and access to technical resources the incorporation of economically sound ergonomic principles in the design of processes, office equipment, 工具及设施.
  3. Comply with any applicable regulatory safety and health standards relative to workplace 出现人体工程学问题.


Ergonomics is the study of the relationship between people and their work environment. The goal of an ergonomics program is to adapt an employee's work environment in order 确保舒适和安全. Because we tend to make adjustments to ourselves instead of our environment, over time we can develop repetitive motion disorders (RMDs).

What are repetitive motion disorders?

RMDs are injuries and illnesses that affect muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints 或者是椎间盘.

What are the signs and symptoms of repetitive motion disorders that you should watch 为?

Work-related discomfort can be caused by overworking muscles or by holding one position 很长一段时间. Discomfort can be dull or sharp pain, numbness or tingling, twitching 或刚度. Discomfort is a signal from our bodies telling us that we are doing 它不喜欢的东西.

What should you do if you believe you have a work-related repetitive motion disorder?

You are an essential part of this process. First, you must report discomfort to your 早期的上司. Don't let it go until it becomes a more serious 问题. 第二, you probably know what is causing your discomfort, and you probably have a pretty 很清楚什么样的改变会有帮助. That information is essential to correcting the 问题.

Your supervisor will attempt to discover what is causing your discomfort and fix it with your input and the input of other people doing similar work. 记住,

  • Talk to your supervisor about your suggestions on how to fix the 问题
  • Complete an Accident Report with your supervisor
  • If appropriate, seek medical treatment at Wilton Medical 艺术-企业健康服务. Your supervisor can assist you in setting up an appointment.
  • If you are given modifications for your job, be sure they have been communicated to your supervisor and that you follow them.

What will your supervisor do if you report a work-related RMD?

  • Request your input on how you can work together to restructure your job to avoid further 受伤
  • Ensure that you complete an Accident Report
  • Ensure that any needed modifications are incorporated in your work space
  • If necessary, assist you in obtaining a medical evaluation and assistance at Wilton Medical 艺术-企业健康服务
  • If necessary, arrange for a review of your work station with assistance of trained ergonomics evaluators from Purchasing 服务

Will the college provide the necessary tools for work-related modifications?

Upon request, a trained ergonomics evaluator selected by the college will conduct 对你工作区域的评估. Upon his/her recommendations, the college will assume the cost of work-related modifications. All equipment or tools purchased must be approved 购买或报销前.


  1. Employee reports discomfort to supervisor
  2. Employee and supervisor discuss options on resolving the work station/flow issues
  3. 员工完成事故报告
  4. Supervisor may request an ergonomics evaluation from trained ergonomics staff in Purchasing 服务
  5. If necessary, medical assistance is obtained through supervisor with Wilton Medical 艺术-企业健康服务
  6. Upon request, a trained ergonomics evaluator selected by the college will conduct 对工作区域的评估. Upon his/her recommendations, the college will assume the cost of work-related modifications. All equipment or tools purchased must be approved 购买或报销前.
  7. Supervisor ensures that any necessary workstation or work area modifications are completed


火博体育学院员工政策 & 程序