

学院认识到有必要制定一项政策来解决就业和就业问题 reemployment rights of full- and part-time employees who serve in the military. It is the policy of the college to comply with the Uniformed 服务 Employment and 经修订的1994年《火博体育官网》(USERRA)和适用的州法律,其中保护 job rights and benefits for veterans and members of the reserves. 法律涵盖所有人 在陆军、海军、海军陆战队、空军、海岸警卫队、公共卫生部门服役的人员 服役部队, and the reserve components of these services, the National Disaster Medical System and 国民警卫队.

USERRA gives protections to those individuals who are absent from work for active duty, active duty for training, initial active duty for training (such as drills), inactive duty training, full-time National Guard and/or National Disaster Medical 系统职责,一个人不在工作岗位上的一段时间 为确定该人是否适合执行工作而进行的检查 任何此类责任.


Unless precluded by military necessity or circumstances under which the giving of 通知在其他方面不切实际或不合理的,雇员(或适当的 雇员所服务的制服部门的官员必须给予同样多的报酬 advance written or oral notice as possible of the need for 军队离开.  它是 员工有责任提交一份他/她的军事命令的副本 他们的假期,如果延长,及时提交他们延长的命令的副本 to ensure their position 在大学里.


如果雇员是上述储备单位之一的成员,并且是必需的 参加训练或每年为期两周的营地或任何其他类型的军事演习; 如果有足够的假期,员工可以选择休假 available, or to take a 军队离开 of absence. 它是 the employee's responsibility 在休假前提交一份他/她的军事命令副本,如果延长, 及时提交其延期订单的副本,以确保其地位 在大学里.


如果员工因现役而缺勤,学院将予以处理 准许雇员在该服务期间休假 to the maximum required by USERRA. 它是 the employee's responsibility to submit a 他/她在休假前的军事命令副本,如果延长,提交一份副本 为了确保他们在学院的地位,他们必须及时延长订单.


如果在非现役或现役任务下选择军事休假, “补薪”期为10个工作日或14个公历日(以较长者为准) in a 12-month period will be granted. The "makeup pay" will be the difference between 损失期间的正常基本薪金/工资和军饷(不包括 of travel and similar allowances) earned while at the encampment or training. 接收 “补发工资”时,每位员工将负责提供参加证明 in military training and a statement of government pay received. 雇员可选择 使用带薪休假时间代替军事休假或带薪休假和 军队离开.


根据1994年《火博体育官网》(USERRA) 雇员离开军队后,有权在火博体育学院重新就业 service, provided the employee:

  • gave advance written or verbal notice of service;
  • was separated from service with an honorable or qualifying discharge;
  • 被雇用的职位有继续受雇的期望;
  • 在军警部队缺勤时间不超过累计缺勤时间 period of five years unless involuntarily retained in the Uniformed Service; and
  • 报告工作或通知他/她的主管打算重返工作岗位; at the proper time, as indicated in the following table.
服务期限 员工必须采取的行动 When Action Must Be Taken from Completion of Service
外墙面天 报到工作 On the next regular full work day after safe transport back to employee's home
31 - 180天 Notify his or her supervisor of the employee's intent to return to work Within 14 days after the completion of service
181多天 Notify his or her supervisor of the employee's intent to return to work Within 90 days after the completion of service

符合条件的员工将恢复原来的职位和福利, 如果他/她没有缺席,他/她将获得的职位和福利 due to military service, or in some cases, a comparable position.

Benefit Continuation and Reinstatement

The following benefit policies pertain to periods of military service qualifying under the Uniformed 服务 Employment and 再就业 Rights Act (USERRA).

  1. 医疗保健:学院为员工在服役期间提供有限的医疗保险 离开. For an employee on active duty for fewer than 31 days, the college provides healthcare coverage as if he or she had not taken 离开. 那些现役的 31天或更长时间可以选择继续为自己提供雇主赞助的医疗保健 and covered dependents up to 24 months while in the military. 和其他扩展的一样 请假时,学院可能会要求选择保险的员工支付高达102%的保费 完整的溢价.

Even if the employee does not elect to continue coverage during military service, 雇员在重新就业后有权重新加入学院的健康计划。 generally without any waiting period or exclusions (e.g.,既存状况) except for service-connected illnesses or injuries. 

  1. 养老金计划:员工重返工作岗位后,学院给予服务积分 应计养恤金和对现役人员的供款的数额相同 as for similarly situated employees who were not absent on 军队离开.
  2. 学院的403(b)计划:参加学院403(b)计划的员工可以做出 up any contributions missed due to being on 离开 when they return to work. 虽然 在控制下,追溯供款的要求是复杂的 我们会告知你在重新就业后的具体权利和义务, 你应该明白,回归员工可能需要三倍的时间 服兵役,最多五年,以弥补缴款 not made during 军队离开. Moreover, makeup contributions are not subject to the annual limitations on plan contributions.
  3. 其他福利:保险公司提供的保险范围,如团体人寿保险和 长期伤残保险将恢复,没有等待期,当 employee returns to active employment with the college.

    Dependents of employees who are eligible or become eligible for tuition remission 在此期间,福利和课程费用减免福利将保留此资格 the employee is on 军队离开.

军人休假后重新就业的员工将获得资历和其他福利 根据员工在军事休假开始时的资历决定, plus any additional seniority and benefits the employee would have attained, with reasonable certainty, had the individual remained continuously employed. 此外, 雇员在现役军队服役的时间将计入他们的资格 for FMLA 离开 once they return to their position.

本政策可能无法解决你在军假期间的所有权利问题. 如果出现本政策未解决的问题,学院将遵守 by USERRA and any controlling state law. Should you have any questions or require further information, please see 人力资源 for further information regarding 军队离开.


火博体育大学 EMPLOYEE 政策 & 程序